Five Days until Departure

The countdown continues.  We’ve finally bought every item on our long list.  We spent some time today spraying our clothes with a semi permanent insect repellent called Permethrin which we have used before successfully.  Hopefully it will keep away those malarial mosquitos.  The next few days we have to vacate the house we are in and move all our stuff either back into storage or to our motorhome.

kayaks on snow crop2We’ll be missing summer in Salida.  That means missing mountain biking and kayaking.  Right now is the transition of seasons- the end of winter and ski season and the beginning of spring and summer sports.  The last few days I managed to cram in a day of flying my gyroplane, one day of mountain biking and a last day of skiing.  It is fun to watch the quick transition here from skiing to kayaking.  The ski hill is still open but in the warm afternoons we are already seeing kayakers on the river that runs right through town.   Some of the locals like to combine the two so the switch of seasons is really seamless.

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