Into Tanzania

Just a quick note to say we are waaay behind on the blog.  We’ve been moving pretty steadily north.  Now in Tanzania and the little GPS tracker thing in the right panel of the blog should be working now.  In Blantyre, Malawi we stayed with friends of friends who are now our friends as well- Brian and Maggie O’Toole.  They were awesome hosts and we had a grand time seeing their city house that Brian has turned into a dairy farm.  Pictures to follow.   Best of all Maggie is coming to Salida this summer to see Jimmy and Janie who introduced us so we will get to show her our part of the world.

Our entry into Tanzania has not been very pleasant so far- mostly mean cops and indifferent people.

When you first travel every country is exotic and wonderful but after visiting 60 or 80 or 100 countries it is inevitable to make valid and informed comparisons.   For example:  I have found the help one gets from street people is an indicator of the culture.  When we sailed around the world we were not tourists but just living our lives and we consequently needed all the things one uses day to day or to fix stuff on the boat.  In Yemen I stopped someone on the street and asked for a hardware part and with some pantomime got across what I needed.  The man walked 4 blocks with me to take me to the right shop.  We have had the exact same experience in a dozen countries- Turkey, Italy, many South American locations etc.  Other places people will discuss with friends and draw us a map or give us pointed directions.  Speaking with 4 people so far here I get a blank “no,”     Their shop does not have what I need and not one person has volunteered where I might find the electrical adapter I seek.  When I ask where I can find it I get a further shrug.

Hopefully the game parks will change our minds about Tanzania.



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